Repository review

Code review

If you do not need your code, delete it. It still exists in your versioning system.

def create_country_adjectives():
    Helping method, not needed anymore...
    countries = {}

Why is this line there, can it be safely deleted? Do not keep commented code in your codebase.

import './index.css';
import App from './App';
// import * as serviceWorker from './serviceWorker';

If you do something out of ordinary, there should be a reason. That may be a good time to use a comment.
Hint: It is the only method named like this in the whole file.

const _colliding = (start1: number, end1: number, start2: number, end2: number) => {
  return start1 < end2 && start2 < end1;

Comments should add some value, not like this.

/** Parses cluster edges */
export const parseClusterEdges = (clusterEdgesJsons: ClusterEdgeJSON[]): ClusterEdge[] => {
    return => ({ id1: element.id1, id2: element.id2, weight: element.weight })

Can you tell me the purpose of the following variable?

dict_of_dicts: Dict[str, Dict[str, float]] = {}